Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Hairy Situation...

Most of us have heard about the oil spill that occurred a few weeks ago off the coast of New Orleans. With massive amounts of crude oil being pumped into the Gulf of Mexico the result has been devastating and it has only just begun.
Everyone can help in one way or another and a non profit organization called Matter of Trust is making it easy for everyone (furry friends included!) to lend a hand! The volunteers at Matter of Trust are collecting donations of clean hair and fur of all kinds to clean up the oil in the ocean. Hair is hydrophobic which means it repels water, it is also great for absorbing oil (greasy hair means that hair collects oil). Matter of Trust uses these donations and creates hair mats and hair booms made of recycled nylon stockings that are then used to absorb oil.  After this big spill, hair is in high demand- and you and your furry friend can help!
Bring your dog in to the hair pros here at Best Friends and let them do their magic on your dog! Don’t have a long coated pooch? No problem- our Shedicure treatment works wonderfully on long or short coated breeds! The Shedicure system helps eliminate loose hair and undercoat. You will see up to an 80% reduction in shedding within 3-4 days!

This is a win-win situation for all involved: you go home with a clean, good looking pet and your hairy donation helps the environment!!! Give us a call today to set up an appointment or visit us on our website at http://www.bestfriendspetcare.com/
To find out more about the Matter of Trust organization, go to

http://www.matteroftrust.org/programs/hairmatsinfo.html or watch their video at
