Saturday, May 22, 2010

Summer! The Most Dangerous Season for Your Pets!

Summer is right around the corner but with the warm weather and sunshine come some potentially life-threatening hazards for your pets...

Below are a just a few steps from "The Pet Safety Guy", Thom Somes, that you can take to prepare for what's just around the corner:

1.  Get to know the labels on all products you use around the house.  Read the directions for use and actions to take in case of poisoning.  You can check the Material Safety and Data sheet (MSDS) for any chemical that you aren't familiar with by doing an internet search for "MSDS".  This will give you information on toxicity, first aid protocols, etc.

2.  This one is just common sense!  Keep an eye on your pet!  If you wouldn't let your toddler play unsupervised in your backyard, you shouldn't let your pet be unsupervised either!

3.  Know how to induce vomiting!  Only induce vomiting when the substance ingested is known or upon recommendation of your vet.  If the substance ingested is caustic (bleach, acids, etc.) it burned on the way down and will burn on the way up. If this is the case, do NOT induce vomiting but get to an emergency animal hospital ASAP!

4.  Call your emergency animal hospital first, not Animal Poison Control.  Your local emergency animal hospital is probably familiar with what your pet has ingested and will be able to immediately assist you with the proper response protocols.  Time is your biggest enemy when it comes to saving your pet.  The problem with calling an 800/888 number is that they must first process your credit card number- this takes time and your pet doesn't have any!

5.  Stay trained and current in pet CPR and first aid.  To find out about CPR/first aid classes, go to

These are just a few ways to make your summer a safe and happy time for you and your pet!